Sunday, November 20, 2011

Assignment #6: WebSite

I am not completely finished my site at the time of this posting, but it is to make sure the url will be available for grading on December 1 (my birthday!)

Allyson's 2600 Website!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Muddiest Point #10- Last One!

This muddiest point is less about the class today, which I think I understood well, but for the Assignment 6. I'm using Kompozer to design my webpage, but I can't figure out how you make the CSS an external style sheet. Right now the style is found in line when you use Kompozer....

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Assignment #5: Koha

I hope this link works. It should be a public "virtual bookshelf" of my list of books related to Henry Clay Frick.

Virtual Koha Bookshelf
My username is AKG35, my list is called AKG35-Frick.

Muddiest Point #9

I don't have a muddiest point for this week.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jiepu Got Married!

Jiepu, such beautiful wedding pictures! Congratulations!!!  Jiepu's Wedding!

Muddiest Point #8

I don't think I have a muddiest point this week. All of the different CSS style tags and formats we went through were hard to understand, but I think the hands-on assignment for creating our own webpages will help me understand this concept better and how to use it.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Muddiest Point #7

I understand that the web browser displays the notepad file we saw in class....but when we make a personal website, do we save those files to the Pitt server? How do we do that?'

Also, reminder to Jiepu-- our posts are worth two points, not just one, same as muddiest points (1.5 points)...also... Congratulations on your marriage!